Monday, March 14, 2011

Zappos CEO to Start New Company to Teach Happiness Principles

Tony Hsieh. From Fast Company.
Today Fast Company reports that Tony Hsieh, billionaire CEO of Zappos, plans to start a new company based on the principles in his book Delivering Happiness. The new start-up, also called Delivering Happiness, will advise businesses on value-based management and design a line of "motivational apparel." Hsieh (pronounced "Shay") says that his company’s root principles are to inspire, connect, educate, and experience. He suggests that companies adhere to their principles, even when they impact the bottom line.

In the future, Hsieh also wants to expand beyond helping businesses. He and his business partner Jenn Lim hope to publish educational literature for college students and provide "experience packages"--which include things like helicopter pilot lessons and foreign trips. Whether these packages will help longterm happiness or just create short-term pleasure is anyone's guess, but Zappos has an incredibly low employee turnover rate, even in its call center, so Hsieh probably knows what he's doing.

(You can read about Tony Hsieh at the Global Happiness Summit here, or see a video of a speech he made to Google here.)


  1. Hmm, this is very interesting. I build my business on a similar basis because I do not want to see workers of my company being unhappy. The happier the employee, the better the company is developing. Therefore, I transferred all accounting issues to outsourcing specialists from Osome HK, because nobody likes to do this.

  2. And how did your business survive the crisis? Mine nearly collapsed. I had to fire a lot of stuff including accountants. So now my office is very small and angry) But among the good points was that I found Contractor Scheduling Software that substituted the whole accounting department by one single feature of calculating contractors salaries automatically!
